Articles and references

Entretien des instruments à cordes : Conseils d'entretien pour maintenir votre instrument
Over time and with hours of practice, your instrument will need special attention to stay in great shape. Whether you have just purchased your first instrument or want to take better care of the one you have, in this article you’ll find  tips and advice on how to maintain a string instrument. It’s not a difficult process, but it does require attention to detail. 

Let's explore the essential steps to keep your instrument in excellent condition and sounding its best!
Le pernambouc
Pernambuco wood, Brazilwood or Pau-Brasil, is a species of tree in the Caesalpiniaceae family. It is native to the Mata Atlântica or Atlantic Forest located on the northeast coast of Brazil. At the time of its discovery by Europeans, it...
Humidité, chaleur et froid
Extreme temperatures and thermal shock can affect your instrument. Like most organic materials, wood expands in heat and contracts in cold. Too much heat can irreversibly damage the varnish or cause the seals to come loose. Never leave your instrument...
Choisir un archet

Choosing a bow is as important a process as finding an instrument. The player cannot imagine how much this tool can improve and facilitate his or her playing until he or she has experienced it. 
